Drainage & Track Cleaning

QTS drainage operatives are part of a skilled drainage team, who are proud of the work they carry out and will go the extra mile to ensure full client confidence. We have proven track record of achieving notoriously difficult access culverts through use of both in house and supplier plant working on and off track.
QTS can provide the client with a full report including images and drawings of the drainage system by OS19x trained operatives. If there are any minor breaks in the pipeline, we save on expensive excavation costs by patch lining the area of concern. Our team is able to carry out this work quickly and effectively which makes our work the perfect ‘no dig’ solution. With a range of in house STE4 examiners that are confined space trained, water rescue trained, and IRATA trained structures examinations are able to be carried out in the most restricted access locations with compliant detailed examination reports submitted direct to the client.
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QTS Group 2024. All rights reserved QTS Group Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Renew Holdings plc. Design by Ninetwo