QTS was brought in by Network Rail on behalf of Transport Scotland to carry out construction of a new pond, preserving the ecology of the site at Lynebeg in the Scottish Highlands.

A new body of water was created as part of advance works for the A9 Dualling: Tomatin to Moy project.
The area was cleared and lined before the surrounding area was landscaped to create the 60 by 20 metre pond which will be left to mature for a year before the contents of an existing pond are relocated.
Ecology assessment undertaken during the development of the project has highlighted the existence of a rare sub-species of the caddisfly. The new pond and landscaping will help protect the habitat that supports this rare species and enable its future translocation to this location.
The construction of this pond will recreate the existing caddisfly habitat and, following a period of establishment, will support the relocation of the existing caddisfly to the new pond, which is considered to bring significant environmental benefits to the A9 project.’