QTS were tasked by Network rail to refurbish both sides of the embankments to increase resilience against scour by installing stone rock armour.

The site comprised of two embankments where the River Bran was causing gradual scour issue at the toes of the railway embankment due to close proximity and river meandering
This project presented some challenges due to being carried out within a salmon rich tidal river, meaning works had to works had to be carried out out with Salmon breeding season (Between 1st June to 30th Sept).
Precautions were taken due to teams working in close proximity to deep water and regrade works being carried out during dayshift hours with a fully operational railway.
3500Ton existing material was removed and 3000Ton Rock Armour transported from Achnasheen station and installed at two locations.
Building a close working relationship with SEPA and Cromerty fisheries a fish count was carried out and made safe rescue of all salmon from within dammed area possible.